Introduction To Programming


A program is a set of instructions given by the user to the computer to perform certain tasks .
A computer cannot do anything by itself as it needs a user to give commands.
Programming is a fundamental building block for a many different career.
You can use programming for almost anything. 

There is no limit of programming you can do any anything using programming.

For example :
Using programming you can control robots, become a web-developer , software application developer, computer programmer etc.

2 Types of programming Languages:  
  • High level language
  • Low level language

High Level Language (HLL):
High level is a type programming language that can be easily understood by the user or a programmer but high level language cannot be easily understood by the computer.
Types of High Level Language(HLL)

Low Level Language(LLL):          
Low Level is another type of programming language that cannot be easily understood by the user but can be easily understood by the computer.
Types of Low Level Language:

 Types of High Level Language:

There are many types of programming languages from which some are listed bellow
  • Python.
  • Java.
  • C++
  • C#
  • Visual Basic.
  • JavaScript.
 Types of Low Level Language:
  • Machine Language
  • Assembly Language
Programming languages:

There are about 700 programming languages and JavaScript is No.1 programming language in this world.The Programming languages are always written in high level languages.There are different ways of writting a programming languages.Every programming language has it's own syntax.Some programming languages don't need any compiler to work. You can do codding in notepad which is the simplest way without any compiler.
For Front End Development you should know HTMLCSSJavaScript which will control everything on the browser.
For Back End Development you shoud know Ruby, Java, PHP, .Net and Python which will control the back end of your website or you can make your website more secure.
C language is known as the mother of programming languages as most of the compilers are written in C language. It introduces different techniques like array loops funcitons etc.


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